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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Another day and a hot one at that

Hi Cat and Animal Lovers,

I know I haven't updated my blog in quite a while and for that I apologize. I do sincerely appreciate anyone who is following my blog. It helps to know someone is "listening." :) My life gets pretty hectic sometimes and sitting down to organize my thoughts can lead to an impromptu nap.

It is really hot outside here in Mount Joy PA, nearly 100 degrees so I am making every effort to keep my outdoor shelters clean and as cool as possible. I'm not complaining, just explaining my blogging procrastination.

About three weeks ago, I discovered that one of my outdoor kitties (I had named her Pretty Baby) had had at least two kittens. I have renamed her Pretty Mama. I am putting out the intention to the Universe for assistance in getting the threesome captured. I have a dear friend who has offered to pay for spaying/neutering, if I can get them to the vet. Currently, I have a trap in our garage, which is where there is a feeding station and secure shelter. This way they will get used to it being around, making it theoretically easier to trap them when the time is perfect. I am somewhat physically challenged so wrestling with the three precious babies in the trap is going to be the hurdle I must overcome. And, of course, how will I ensure that I capture all three? Ah yes, the Universe has its hands full. I am sure the way will be shown to me though. The Universe has all the resources and wants to share them with us, if we just ask and BELIEVE.

I will add videos and pictures as I learn how to add them.

My indoor gang is doing really well. They are all happy and healthy, well most of the time. They are still cats, and some of them think they own the place and don't always want to share. With the help of Ozzy and Woofie, our two dogs, order is pretty well maintained, most of the time. Ozzy is the youngest, so he tends to be the referee when it comes to kitty quarrels. He's a Goldendoodle so must look VERY big to them. He just stands in between them and they each go their separate way. He also stops them from scratching on furniture, which I think is amazing, since he lets them scratch on their scratching posts and cardboard boxes. Apparently, he know the difference. It must have something to do with my reaction.
Thanks for reading!

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